Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 8, 2009 Steering Committee Minutes

Judy Kramer, Ed Fire, Becky Thomas, Lori Zaim, Debi Thomas, Visitor Bill O’Neill

Minutes Approval: Unanimous

Treasurer’s Report:
• December report by e-mail (without some of the automatic charges that will appear on 12/10/09 bank statement).
• Account total: $7755.27
• Total 2010 dues paid to date: $3106.
• Total number of members with 2010 dues paid to date: 79
• Total amount (approximate) raised by fund raising committee to date: $2007.

• As of 12/08/09 we have 69 paid memberships including 59 paid family memberships
• Follow-up to membership campaign will follow with a letter from George Lupone and two later email reminders. Phone calls will be made after 1/15.
• Lori read some nice comments she received from the membership mailing.

Fund Raising:
• Fund raising from raffle at Holiday party raised $160. Thanks to Kelly Clark for her homemade beer.
• Football raffle for OSU/Michigan game was very successful.
• Plans for fund raising continue with February Theater party 2/19 for opening of Bill Rowe and Shelly Bloomfield’s play. Tickets and publicity to be handled by Debi, Kathy, & Lori

Advocacy Report:
• Meeting will be held in January at home of Becky Thomas. Date will be decided after the holiday.
• Agenda for advocacy will be set by committee at that meeting.
• Suggestion for a letter to be sent to Sherrod Brown thanking him for his advocacy on health care

Health Reform Report:
• No business from chair Ray DiCarlo (out of town)
• Discussion of progress in Washington, especially about public option
• Health Care Rally cancelled. Lori will send out message.

• We will discuss and vote on new Bylaws at the Jan. Steering Comm. meeting
• Lori will send out slate for 2010 to members for a vote. Slate: Ed Fire President, Judy Kramer Vice President, Lori Zaim Secretary

• 1/9 Panel Discussion on the book Justice. Program at C.F. Library at 10 AM.
• 2/6 meeting with Lori O’Neill and ATF advocate about gun control, 10 AM at the C.F. Library.

Other Business:
• Discussion about finding new office space. Ed Fire will work with Kathy Kolcaba and Sherri Culver on this.
• Discussion about plans for holding general membership meetings throughout the new year to include members not on the

Steering Committee:
• Ed Fire will contact people to attend a brainstorming session tentatively scheduled for 1/6/10 at 10 AM.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:55

Respectfully submitted by Acting Secretary,

Becky Thomas

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 10, 2009 Steering Committee Minutes

Attendance: Judy Kramer, Ed Fire, Debbi Thomas, Becky Thomas, Ray DiCarlo, Lynne Rustad, Kathy Kolcaba

Meeting called to order at 9:30 by President Lynne Rustad

Treasurer’s Report:
• Balance $4,573.22, rent paid through November
• Fund raising should be considered at every event we host

• Membership letters have gone out
• Follow-up will occur in two weeks with an email reminder
• Membership bag will be prepared to take to all meetings
• Bill Rowe will be contacted to prepare more brochures

Fund Raising Committee:
• Football benefit on 11/21 at 11:30 at Diana Nazellis. Thirty people can be accommodated. People can participate in football pool IF they can not attend event. Email reminders should be sent in the next week.
• Holiday Party at Little Theater, 12/3 at 6:30 Pot Luck/Raffle

• Local election discussed – loss by Nazelli and Thomas regretted
• Issue 6 was endorsed by Patriots, issue passed
• We will schedule a letter writing meeting to encourage Voinovich to support health care bill
You Street (Campaign Finance Reform) continues to build support. They need donations.

• Book Discussion with panel on 1/9/10 at CF Library: Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? by Michael J. Sandel.

Health Care:
• Battle for single payer continues on some fronts
• Senate Bill still not final. Discussion continues.
• Write legislators to voice support for a robust public plan, curbing insurance costs etc.
• Lynne Rustad will present Update on Health Care Reform to Chagrin Valley Democratic Club tonight.

New Business:
• Nominating Committee will meet before Nov. 24th
• Committee members: Jana Theis, George Lupone, Becky Thomas, Lori Zaim, Kathy Kolcaba, Ray DiCarlo
• Slate of candidates nominated by committee will be emailed to members for additional nominations prior to election in December.

Meeting Adjourned at 11 AM

Next Steering Committee: Dec.8th, 2009

Respectfully submitted Acting Secretary,
Becky Thomas

Friday, October 30, 2009

October 13, 2009 Patriots for Change Steering Committee Minutes

Approval of 9/8/09 Minutes: MINUTES APPROVED AS SUBMITTED

Patriots for Change Election:
Nominating Committee: Slots to be filled thus far include PRESIDENT, President-elect and Secretary. NO MEMBERS FOR COMMITTEE CHOSEN AS OF YET.

Treasurers Report (Kolcaba):
Quarterly Report (deferred from September) BALANCE AT END OF QUARTER: $ 4826.76.
Plan for year-end audit: DISCUSSION TABLED

Communication (Zaim): NO REPORT.

Membership (Lupone): NEXT MEETING OCT. 20, TUESDAY, 9:30 AM & ALL ARE INVITED.

Fund Raising (Fire/Kolcaba):

Education (Kramer):
The Great Debate

Advocacy Committee (Fire):
Candidates’ Meeting at Hamlet: A FUTURE EVENT ON OCT. 21, 7-9 PM; ATTENDANCE REQUESTED.
Visit to Voinovich’s office: STAFF MEMBER DIFFICULT TO WORK WITH

Health Care Reform (DiCarlo):
Current status of health reform negotiations: A MESS
Chagrin Valley Democratic Club presentation: WILL BE NOV. 10
Geauga Change Unitarian Church presentation: J. MALONEY WILL MODERATE DEBATE, NOV. 12.


New Business:
Chief Brosius re: Police Station issue: DID NOT SHOW.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Patriots for Change 2009 Election Endorsements


1. Vote on Endorsement of Cuyahoga County Charter Reform Issue #6

(The following endorsement is from the independent, non-partisan League of Women Voters.)

I. BALLOT QUESTION # 6 : "Shall a county charter be adopted, providing for an elected county executive, an elected county prosecutor, eleven county council members elected by district, and all other officers appointed by the county executive whose appointments are subject to the confirmation by council and who shall serve at the pleasure of the county executive...?"

The League of Women Voters recommends: VOTE YES! Here's why:
Separation of Legislative (policy-making) from Executive (administrative) powers permits numerous effective checks and balances to hinder or prevent overreaching by a single strong County leader, while providing Ohio's largest county with executive focus and visible, accountable leadership.

A Council of 11 will represent the county's diverse districts and have the power to pass ordinances, investigate wrongdoing in the bureaucracy, and debate County policies in the open.

Appointing rather than electing 7 of the 8 "row offices" (Recorder, Auditor, Sheriff, Coroner, Engineer, Clerk of Courts and Treasurer) leads to a unified, professionally administered executive branch that greatly reduces patronage, duplication and waste.

New safeguards against corruption and abuse of power include mandatory internal audits, centralized employment standards, a code of ethics covering conflicts of interest, a whistle-blower mandate, possible recall elections, and a charter amendment process.

Powerful new focus on both economic development and regional collaboration brings limited Home Rule flexibility that will enable new initiatives to reverse county decline.

This charter is backed by 53,000 petition signatures and a bipartisan group of political and civic leaders including the League of Women Voters. It is drawn from the best features of the Summit County charter, the 1996 Barber Commission draft, the Municipal League's Model County Charter, and suggestions by the drafting group, municipal law specialists, and other contributors. Diverse opinions were sought, respected and incorporated.


As Township Trustee for the past eight years, I have protected the assets of the Township, including historic Falls Road and our historic Township Hall.

On completion of the Falls Rd project in 2005, the Trustees turned to the restoration of Township Hall. From the beginning, I have advocated a "do it right" approach. Prior to the time that I became a Trustee, the Township had not consulted with historic specialists and spent money on a handicapped access elevator that was not protected from the elements and collapsed in an ice storm. A handicapped access restroom was completed that does not adequately accommodate wheelchairs. In addition, well-meaning repairs to the exterior brick caused more problems than they solved because inappropriate materials were used.

I bring experience and knowledge regarding historic preservation to the office of Trustee. I have insisted upon a “do it right” approach to the restoration of the 1847 historic building that I feel it deserves. The building does not need any quick fixes; all maintenance is up to date. Together with other Trustees, I have consulted with contractors and historic architects. Their assessment is that, although the building needs restoration and updating, it will remain solid for the foreseeable future in its current condition.

Because of my work, a long-term plan has been put into place for the restoration of Township Hall. Several sources of funding will be needed in order to succeed but the plan will not burden taxpayers - even though it is a publicly owned building. The plan includes a private, not for profit fundraising foundation that will yield a tax benefit to donors. Federal funds from the Saving America's Treasure's Act will be sought along with grants from other sources. I favor this approach because the modest Township budget is not sufficient to provide for a capital project such as the restoration.

I would appreciate your support and your vote on November 3rd. It will allow me to continue working toward a fiscally responsible, "do it right" restoration of historic Township Hall.

Diana Nazelli


I am seeking re-election as a Township Trustee to save Township Hall as a community center and as a venue for arts and cultural events in a fully restored facility. While this task will require significant expenditures for proper planning and eventual construction, my past service demonstrates the capacity to accomplish these goals.

During my 20 years of service as a Trustee, the Township has generated in excess of $3.6 million from public and private sources - who do not pay real estate taxes in Chagrin Falls Village - to improve the community. Water lines, historic Falls Road, N. Main Street resurfacing and land for the MetroParks are lasting, major township-village collaborations of which I am proud and seek more. Our Township is the smallest unincorporated political subdivision in the State of Ohio. But while the Township is small, our accomplishments are large.

I embrace the opportunity for a public airing of the need to properly restore Township Hall. Our opponents’ emphasis on maintaining Township Hall sharpens the debate. But when they argue money for planning would have been better spent on repairs, I think it odd they are not better informed. Perhaps because they have never attended a single Trustees' meeting, they did not know the main floor of the hall was completely refinished and the cupola was restored and repainted this year.

And perhaps because they wish to ignore the most recent routine review of Township finances by the office of Ohio State Auditor Mary Taylor, they and their supporters fail to acknowledge her finding that Township expenditures of recent estate tax revenues were made "in furtherance of Township Hall renovation planning".

The current Trustees favor fixing Township Hall right, and doing it once. We maintain a modestly growing cash reserve for repairs that cannot be delayed, while deferring non-urgent repairs that would be duplicated by renovations. Our plans in preparation for a private fundraising campaign will be where the rubber meets the road in any long-term plan for a renovated Township Hall.

I pledge to taxpayers my best efforts to renovate the hall with maximum reliance on private fundraising, in accordance with a well-thought-out plan developed during four separate meetings of government and civic leaders in 2006 and 2007.
I ask for re-election because the current Trustees are best positioned to maintain the momentum and save Township Hall.

Steve Thomas

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sept. 16, 2009 Meeting at Congressman LaTourette’s Office with his Aide, Dino DiSanto

Attending from Patriots for Change and Change is Coming to Geauga County: Ed Fire, Judy Kramer, Lynne Rustad, Ray DiCarlo, Pat Sommers, Fred Welty, Elliott Berenson, Kathy Leavenworth, Diana Nazelli, Diana Pearson, Kathy Flora Thompson, Marcia Carpenter, Gail Larson, Becky Thomas

Lynne: We've been active in health care reform. We prefer single payer but realize it is not on the table. Our biggest concern is having a robust public option.

Dino: The public option is not ruled out completely – he is open to anything. However, there are 3 committees working on policy so HB 3200 is still in flux. Cost is his main concern.

We have received 70% of our concerns from constituents who receive insurance from employers – they see no relief for them in the present Bill. Also, they are worried about cuts in Medicare.

He wishes our public option wasn’t so closely aligned with the Canadian system, and more like Sweden’s or the Netherlands where the government covers catastrophic health costs, its mandated for everyone, it subsidizes the poor, and insurance companies compete for other people and for supplemental insurance plans.

Ed: What will the Bill be? Is it going to just be a party line vote?

Dino: This version will probably be a party line vote because the Dems have the votes. Nancy Pelosi has not reached out to the Republicans, even though the President has.

Lynne: To many constituents, a government sponsored, single- payer plan such as Medicare looks best. Has Rep. LaTourette even considered it?

Dino: Yes, but it means rationing health care, and that would be the only affordable way.
(We pointed out that insurance companies already ration health care)

Lynne: Medicare and the VA system are already single payer systems.

Dino: True but the veterans we hear from are scared they are going to lose care. They complain they cannot use the Cleveland Clinic as it is.

Lynne: You only hear complaints. When I worked for the VA people were generally happy with care.

Judy: Does LaTourette have familiarity with other countries’ systems?

Dino: Yes, but I have a personal interest because of family. My mom had no insurance when my dad died. A public plan would help people with no insurance or the under insured. However, our constituency doesn’t care about this, they are just worried about losing their benefits. Employers will ask employees to go on the public plan if it is less costly.

Ray: People are losing their insurance anyway.

Dino: You are right, but people don’t want to have to choose. They want to be taken care of by their employer.

Fred: You hear many individual complaints. What is more relevant is do we want health care to take 20% of GDP in the future. Our medications and procedures must be evaluated for efficacy.

Marcia: Gave an example of rising costs of treatment, and how doctor is honest and doesn’t try to push unnecessary treatments on her if they are not going to work. People have to see how much waste there is in Medicare.

Dino: People see reevaluating treatment, procedures and medications as a severe change to our system. The perception is that this is rationing or death panels. The Bill is having problems because there is no proof that it will reduce costs. Preventive health/wellness isn’t scored as reducing costs. They only look at the last 6 months of a person’s life which is the most expensive time.

Fred: So years of a healthy life count for nothing.

Pat: A recent article in the New Yorker on health care points to abuse of resources. We need changes in our society so we don’t do unnecessary treatments etc. at the end of life.

Dino: The CBO report conflicts with the Bill. We need to control costs and we need tough decisions about care. Our president is a gifted orator, but he needs to reach people who have health insurance with more details. Our district is the wealthiest one in OH, and probably has the least unemployment. Therefore, people who have insurance do not want change.

Kathy: Shouldn’t LaTourette be trying to educate his constituents about the facts?

Marcia: It is his duty to inform constituents, not use fear.

Dino: We have the highest enrollment of people on Medicare Advantage. They don’t want to lose that. The Bill is ever changing, so it is difficult to inform people about what is in it in an up- to- date manner.

Elliott: Where is the morality in this Bill? It is immoral to deprive people in the country of health care.

Dino: It’s politics, and it’s embarrassing sometimes. Congress has become so partisan; we have a loss of statesmanship. LaTourette is a moderate, and there are very few of them. We have lost the ability to craft a Bill.

Lynne: Rationing is not the word we should be using. It’s actually intelligent, evidence-based medical management.

Dino: It would be good to reward doctors and hospitals for preventative medicine.

Lynne: The costs of insurance are huge – 30% administrative costs versus 4% Medicare.
Government cannot negotiate drug prices because of the bad bargain Obama is making currently and the Republicans made for the Medicare drug benefit.

Dino: Insurance companies are not as bad as drug companies.

Judy: People are afraid of change. How does LaTourette know what people are thinking?

Dino: We count phone calls and emails. We tally mail. We summarize visits in the office plus personal contact at meetings. For us, letters to the editor are not very effective. PERSONAL LETTERS CARRY THE MOST WEIGHT!

Ed: Health care is difficult, but it’s a moral issue. The way we treat the least among us says something about the character of our country. It’s also a leadership issue. Sometimes a politician needs to jeopardize political connections to stand for principals he/she believes in. It takes guts to cast a vote.

Dino: Please get back to me in the future with an email on this issue. Thanks for coming.

At conclusion of interview, petitions were delivered to DiSantis that Patriots and Geauga Change members had collected at the Geauga County Fair. He was also provided with articles that will hopefully inform him and Rep. LaTourette about health care reform options and broaden their perspective.

Sept. 8, 2009 Steering Committee Minutes

Present: Judy Kramer, Lynne Rustad, Ed Fire, Becky Thomas, Lori Zaim, Debi Thomas, Bill Rowe, Elliott Berenson, Ray DiCarlo

Minutes Approved: August 11, 2009 minutes approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report:
• Quarterly report deferred, Treasurer Kathy Kolcaba absent. Ray DiCarlo offered to audit the books again this year.

Communications/membership: (Zaim)
• As of 9/8/09 103 paid memberships (128 individual members).
• Trip again discussed as potential fundraiser. Lynne Rustad will develop e-mail survey to assess Patriots’ interest in such an activity and ask them to suggest possible destinations.
• No response to ad to share office. We will run the ad again this month in the newsletter before publishing in local papers.

Fund Raising:(Fire)
• The Craig’s list tutorial was well done. Five people attended.
• Lori Zaim will advertise our fund raising yard sale on Craig’s list.
• Yard Sale Donations – The Kolcaba’s barn is full. They still need volunteers to work on the set up and sale of items Sept. 12-13th.
• Football game/fundraiser at Diana Nazelli’s – The date is Nov. 21st during the day. Time to be announced. Debi Thomas will organize a football pool to raise money. Attendees should bring an appetizer and drinks to share.
• Next meeting for Fund Raising will be called by Ed Fire in November

Education: (Kramer)
• Sat. 919/09 10:00 AM – Pat Moore will speak about THE GREAT DEBATE: in celebration of our Constitution’s Birthday. Lori Zaim and Becky Thomas will bake cupcakes.
• Holiday Party will be held 12/3/09 at the Chagrin Valley Little Theater (second floor) at 6:30. Bring appetizers and drinks
• Education Comm. will meet at 10 AM on 9/9/09

Advocacy Report:(Thomas)
• Obama’s speech to school children – The partial censoring of his speech in Chagrin Falls caused many to write and call the Superintendent of schools
• Some Patriots will attend the next School Board meeting to share concern about President’s speech
• 10/9 7:00 Chagrin Falls Library – LWV presents ballot information about Cuyahoga County Reform
• 10/21 Candidates’ Meeting for local Chagrin Falls candidates will be held at Hamlet at 7:00. League of Women Voters is the sponsor.
• Health Care Vigil in Triangle Park was well attended (55) and many personal stories were shared. Pictures and report were sent to MoveOn
• Visit to LaTourette’s office 9/16/09. Eight of us met to discuss strategies for presenting information at this meeting. Another call for participants will go out this week. We will meet at 8:30 in the office parking lot to carpool.
• Several of us are registering voters next weekend at Dave’s Supermarket.

Health Reform Report:(DiCarlo)
• 9/30/09, 2 PM: Lynne Rustad will present a senior focus on health care reform at Hamlet.
• T R Reid’s The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care may lend itself to book discussion in cooperation with Geauga Change this fall.
• Booth at Geauga Fair was not that well attended, but 140 signatures were collected for a national petition on single payer health care.
• 9/23/09 (Xenia) and 9/28/09 (Cleveland) “MadAsHell Doc’s” tour. These single-payer supporters who are doing a national “car-avan” tour will come to Ohio in September. The Cleveland event will be held at the Laborer’s Hall, 3250 Euclid Ave. Cleveland. Flier will be distributed electronically. Contact Ray Di Carlo for details.

ByLaws: Deferred until Sherri Culver returns to town

Other Business:
• Endorsements: In general we decided not to endorse candidates for a primary, but we will consider endorsements for the Nov. election at our next meeting (perhaps Diana Nazelli, Stephen Thomas, and the Cuyahoga County Reform Bill).
• Lynne Rustad will inform Rosemary Palmer of our decision.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 11, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Judy Kramer, Bill Rowe, Ed Fire, Debbi Thomas, Becky Thomas, Ray DiCarlo, Lori Zaim, Lynne Rustad, Visitors Phyllis and Dave Larson

Meeting called to order at 9:30 by President Lynne Rustad

Minutes Approval: July 14, 2009 minutes approved

Treasurer’s Report:
• In writing: Balance $3649.64

• Two meetings for Membership Committee coming up Sept. 17th and October 20th
• Total memberships as of today: 122 voting members and 92 paid memberships
• Membership Committee will begin work in Nov. for 2010. Phone banking will be done in office to reach all members. A possible change in dues will be considered.

Fund Raising Committee:
• Ed Fire reports: 8/29/09 Craig’s list tutorial 10:00 AM, Chagrin Falls Library for all members who want to sell things on Craig’s list and donate 50% profits to Patriots
• 9/12/09 Patriot’s yard sale at Kolcaba’s house 9 AM-1:00 PM. All profits go to Patriots
• Rowe/Bloomfield benefit to be tabled until further notice
• The Masonic Temple and the C.F. Historical Society are not available
• Subletting office: We will continue to try to find someone to share office space and rent
• Diana Nazelli will host a fund raiser/football game party at her house in November for the Ohio State/Michigan game
• An email will be sent by Lori Zaim to survey membership about a benefit trip for Patriots. Possible destinations: Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or somewhere closer.
• Local excursions could be planned for Patriots to raise money and to enjoy each other’s company

• 8/11/09 Ed Fire, Judy Kramer, Lynne Rustad, Ray DiCarlo, Becky Thomas and Phyllis/Dave Larson will attend the Q@A with Senator LaTourette at Hamlet
• 8/17/09 Ed Fire, Judy Kramer and Phyllis/Dave Larson will meet with Senator Voinovich’s aide.
• 10/7/09 Meeting scheduled at Chagrin Falls Library 7:00 PM to learn about Cuyahoga County Reform bill on ballot in November. We will partner with LWV.
• No update as yet from Organizing Committee for Democrats for Cuyahoga County Reform

• 8/22, 10 AM - Three Cups of Tea discussion will be presented on at the library
• 8/26 - Those wanting to hear author, Greg Mortenson should car pool for the event at Severance Hall
• 9/17/09, 7:00 - Chagrin Falls Library with Pat Moore to celebrate the Constitution’s Birthday. Title: The Great Debate. Lori and Becky will bake cupcakes.
• Holiday Party will be held in December

Health Care:
• Ray DiCarlo met with John Conyers and other legislators in D.C. about single payer health insurance. He was gratified to be among strong supporters of this plan.
• 9/3-9/7/09 Patriots will volunteer at Geauga Fair to speak about health care reform
• 9/30/09 Lynne Rustad will speak at Hamlet on implications for seniors of health care plans under consideration
• 9/?/09 Book Discussion: The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care will be held in partnership with Geauga Change

New Business:
• Diana Nazelli spoke of upcoming election for Township Trustee. She and Steve Thomas need our support
• If you want to have a coffee contact one of them

Next Steering Committee: Sept. 8th, 2009

Meeting Adjourned at 11 AM

Respectfully submitted,
Acting Secretary Becky Thomas

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 14, 2009 Steering Committee Minutes

Judy Kramer, Lynne Rustad, Ed Fire, Sherri Culver, Becky Thomas, Lori Zaim, Debi Thomas, Bill Rowe, George Lupone, Kathy Kolcaba

Minutes Approved for 6/9/09: Unanimous

Treasurer’s Report:
• Quarterly Balance 3529.00
• We have paid July’s rent.
• Fundraising activities will be essential to insure financial health of the organization through 2010.

• From 6/14-7/14 there were 40 new paid members
• Total number of memberships for 2009 – 77
• Total number of members for 2009 – 105
• Number of members submitting dues payment with PayPal since it was introduced – 6
• Membership strategic planning will continue with a meeting 9/17 at 10 AM and 10/20 at 9 AM

Advocacy Report:
• Judy Kramer, George Lupone and Becky Thomas attended the Organizing Committee for Democrats of Cuyahoga County Party Reform. We were energized and optimistic about their plans for reforming the Democratic Party in Cuyahoga County.
• The Steering Committee made a commitment to attend the Forum organized by this Party Reform Committee. George Lupone made the motion, Judy Kramer seconded. The date will be established soon and emailed to all members.
• A possible panel discussion with experts about Pakistan and Afghanistan will be tabled for now. There is too much on the agenda this fall.
• We will co-sponsor a meeting with the LWV on Cuyahoga County Reform, the ballot issue for November. A date will be set in October as soon as we know the ballot language, etc.

Health Care Reform Report:
• We will co-sponsor a meeting with Geauga Change at the Geauga West Library on 7/22/09. Gary Benjamin from UHCAN will discuss reform issues at the state and federal level.
• Lynne Rustad will present a senior focus on health care at Hamlet in September.
• 9/22/09 Book Discussion: The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care by TR Reid will be co-sponsored with Geauga Change
• Some members of the Saturday Coffee and Politics group are working on fliers to counter myths being circulated by opponents of Obama’s health care reform plan.
• Plans made to visit Senator Voinovich’s office in August to present Patriot’s position on much-needed public option for Health Care Bill. Although Patriots has favored a single payer system, we are aware that Congress has ignored this option, even though 70% of the American people prefer it. A public option could help to contain costs by fostering competition with the insurance companies. Judy Kramer will call for an appointment, and Ed Fire, Kathy Kolcaba, and Lynn Rustad will meet with the Senator.

• 7/22: Three Cups of Tea Book discussion.
• A fund raiser is planned for November presenting Bill Rowe, food/drink, and a possible auction
• Pat Moore will be contacted about presenting a program on the Constitution on Sept. l7th at the library

• Ed Fire and Kathy Kolcaba volunteered to head a Fund Raising Committee. Potential committee members will be contacted.

Other Business:
• Sherri Culver will write an ad for the newsletter to try to find someone to share office space/expenses with us.
• Kathy Kolcaba will contact Larry Shibley about obtaining WiFi coverage for our office.

Becky Thomas - Acting Secretary

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 9th, 2009 Steering Committee Minutes

Attendance: Judy Kramer, Bill Rowe, Ed Fire, Debbi Thomas, George Lupone, Becky Thomas, Ray DiCarlo, Sherri Culver, Lori Zaim

Meeting called to order at 9:30 by Vice President Sherri Culver

Treasurer’s Report:
None given, treasurer out of town

• Maybe 65 paid members. Not definite because we didn’t have the list.
• Calls were made to 30 former members who had paid in 2008. ¼ responded favorably
• Pay Pal has gleaned five membership payments
• Web site needs updating. Nothing has been done since April. Who is responsible?

• Registration of voters this summer and fall will be done under the NOA group headed by Pearl Livingstone and Norm Robbins
• Senator Voinovich has not yet decided whether to support public funding of elections
• It was decided to abandon the program AnySoldier due to lack of participation
• Becky Thomas will attend the Education committee Tues. June 16th to help plan a forum on Afghanistan/Pakistan/Iraq

• Volunteer service fair was well supported by organizations (17) but attendance was sparse. Everyone involved worked hard, but we probably shouldn’t do this again. The bake sale brought in $105.
• Three Cups of Tea will be presented on 8/22 at the library
• Those wanting to hear author should car pool for the 26th event downtown
• Cuyahoga Treasurer Jim Rokakis will speak Sat. the 13th at 10 at the library on foreclosures and the land bank
• Fund raiser featuring Bill Rowe with a sample of songs from the play written by Bill Rowe and Shelly Bloomfield will be in Nov. It will include a sale of Bill’s books, CD’s an Kelly’s homemade beer

Health Care:
• Ray DiCarlo and Lynn Rustad will continue sending Action Alerts about health care HB676
• Marcia Fudge declared support for HR 676 after a visit from Ray DiCarlo and others
• TR Reid will talk at Trinity Cathedral on 6/20. Call Judy or Ray to carpool

New Business:Discussion of By Laws
• Judy Kramer moved to amend the proposed Bylaws to say that committees will appoint their own chairperson instead of the President doing so. Seconded by Ed Fire
• (Vote: 5 for the amendment, 2 against, 1 abstained)
• Ed Fire moved that the amended Bylaws be submitted to the membership for approval. Seconded by George Lupone. Vote unanimous in favor.
• Ed Fire recommended we devote a meeting to getting people involved in leadership and fund raising.

Next scheduled Steering Committee: July 14th, at 9:30.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20.

Respectfully submitted by Acting Secretary,

Becky Thomas

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 12, 2009 Steering Committee Minutes

Present: Lynne Rustad, Judy Kramer, Ted Buczek, George Lupone, Sherri Culver, Ed Fire, Lori Zaim

Meeting called to order @ 9:38AM

Minutes: April 14, 2009 approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
• Balance: $3515.85 plus $143.48 (transfer from PayPal): $3659.33 total
• New Members: 5 (paid w/ PayPal) for a total of 47 households or 64 individuals (does not include snail mail members)

Membership Communication Report:
• Current Membership (see above figures)
• Actions taken since last meeting to increase membership:
o Letters sent to former members and those who have never been paid members via email, included PayPal links. Received five PayPal memberships.
o Thank you letters for dues payment sent.
o Membership Committee meeting: Thursday, May 14 to discuss further actions.

Newsletter – proposed articles: Education information, Volunteer Fair, Public Option for health care reform, Employee Free Choice Act (ECFA) - Card check to facilitate union organization), Three Cups of Tea info. It was suggested that the newsletter was not provocative enough and that most people don’t read it. But the monthly presence makes it important. (A lot of work for nothing).

Website domain name transfer: Up in the air. Gary has received no response to phone calls or email requests. Ted said that the new provider should take care of name transfer.

Dot Mac contract: Gary is working on it. It would be preferable to have multiple editors for web site.

Status of AOL Internet access – justification for Patriot ISP We are currently using Ted’s private account to access dial-up Internet in the office. Since it costs Ted nothing extra and he had no objection, we will continue to use it. Computer in office with dialup connection is so slow, it is rarely used. Discussed viability of Verizon’s new personal portable Wi-Fi (My-Fi) at a cost of $100 and 40/month. If one member of Patriots obtains router, it could be used in office for meetings since it supports five laptops.

• Volunteer Fair Update: Bake sale, possible face painting for $1.00. 18 tables for participants. Drop bake sale items in office Saturday morning 10-12. Ted will bring inflated balloons. Kittens will be available. Volunteers needed for two shifts: 12:30-3 & 3-5:30.
• Other scheduled events: Jennifer Lynch to talk on Afghanistan 5/21, Rokakis to speak at library 6/13, Three Cups of Tea 8/23

• "AnySoldier" progress: Response has been disappointing. Will send a reminder.
• EFCA (Employee Free Choice Act): - The bill has been rewritten with compromise on issue secret ballots. Discussed LaTourette’s questionable track record.

Health Care:
• Sherrod Brown health care forum: was well-attended and Brown supports public payer option.
• Single-payer option: Discussed the Baucus 8, Code Pink and T.R. Reid who will speak on 6/20 at Trinity Cathedral - $10 admission, possibility of carpooling.

New Business:
• Fundraising: Great ideas were submitted. Since we have no chair of for Development Committee at this point, it was suggested that S/C members take ownership of their own ideas and develop plan to implement.
• Development and Office Management Chairs: Still needed. Spring and Fall cleaning of office suggested.
• Survey to assess member volunteer potential: Interest survey suggested but not sure if members will follow through.

Meeting adjourned @ 11:03AM

Respectfully submitted,
Lori Zaim
Acting Secretary

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 14, 2009 Steering Committee Minutes

Attendance: Lynne Rustad, Judy Kramer, Bill Rowe, Ed Fire, Debbi Thomas, Kathy Kolcaba, George Lupone, Becky Thomas, Ray DiCarlo, Gary Sherck, Sherri Culver

Meeting called to order at 9:30 by President Lynn Rustad.

Approval of Minutes:
• Minutes approved by Judy Kramer, seconded by George Lupone

Treasurer’s Report:
• Lynne Rustad (for Kathy Kolcaba) reported a balance of $3768.30
• Spread sheet for first quarter explained by Gary Sherck until Kathy Kolcaba, Treasurer, arrived
• Possible deficit for year if we don’t get more paid members and use other methods of fund-raising
• Each Steering Committee member is to bring at least one recommendation for fund-raising to next Strategic Planning meeting on April 30.

• Report submitted be Lori Zaim in absentia
• 50 paid members thus far. Question was raised about standardizing how memberships are counted, i.e., by individuals (counting each family member) vs. counting “membership” per se. Since there are implications for voting privileges, issue will be discussed further at next meeting.
• Lori Zaim sent out “thank you” messages to all who have contributed
• Dues payment and donations now possible through Pay Pal. George Lupone will send notice of access and instructions via email
• Option of paying dues for two years at same rate, allowing members to avoid rate increases and allowing for better budgeting by committee, was discussed. Decision deferred to next meeting.

• Articles for newsletter will include a series on unions by Ed Fire
• Lynne Rustad and Ray DiCarlo will address the public option for health care
• Becky Thomas will write up interview with Voinovich’s aide on Fair Elections

• Now complete, Gary Sherck to get details for automatic redirect from Yahoo and eventual movement of hosting site to a Patriots’ dot Mac account that will allow for more than one web site editor.
• 14 page hits since web site went public April 1st
• Will advertise and explain new website to members through email

• Anti-war demonstrations have ceased for now
• Ed Fire/Becky Thomas will meet with aide of Voinovich about Fair Elections
• Voted on outreach program to support military. Moved by Sherri Culver, seconded by Judy Kramer. Becky Thomas and Sherri Culver will plan details of program

• Schedule in flux through June until confirmation from participants is known
• Volunteer Service Fair may have to be canceled unless there is more participation
• Three Cups of Tea author may make an appearance. Events will be planned around this visit
• President Obama’s policy for Afghanistan should be in place by summer so discussion on policy may be appropriate after book discussion.

Health Care:
• Ray DiCarlo and Lynne Rustad will continue sending Action Alerts about HB676, Medicare for All single-payer plan, and the “public insurance option.’
• Our battle to modify administration’s plan to increase access and control costs will continue
• Ray DiCarlo, Judy Kramer and Lynne Rustad will attend Sherrod Brown’s Health Care Forum on April 17th (10:15 AM
, Forest Hill Presbyterian Church, 3031 Monticello Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118)

• Committee hasn’t met and membership and responsibilities unclear. It seems that some committees that were placed under “Operations” in the current by-laws are now free-standing committees (Communications, Membership) while others (Development, Office Operations) have received little attention
• Bylaws need to reflect changes or modifications of this committee

New Business:
• A free-standing Development Committee to handle fund-raising and community outreach was discussed
• Office Operations Committee needs leadership and clarification of responsibilities
• Sherri Culver will circulate by-laws revision to Steering Committee before 4/30 planning meeting
• Next regular Steering Committee meeting is May 12, 9:30

Continuation of Strategic Planning:

• Will meet an additional time a month to finish strategic planning
• Next meeting will be Thurs. 4/30 at 9:30

Meeting adjourned at 11:20.

Respectfully submitted by Acting Secretary,

Becky Thomas

Friday, April 3, 2009

Action Alert: Support a Single-payer Option

From: Thomas Pretlow
Date: March 29, 2009 7:09:29 PM EDT
Subject: Medicare for all

Dear Friends,

It seems likely that we shall get healthcare legislation this year. While I would prefer Medicare for all with no copays and no premiums, I do not think that it is likely that the private insurance companies will lose all of the way (I would prefer not to have private insurance companies). We need to remember that UnitedHealthcare (UNH), one of the largest and most corrupt health insurance sources in our country, donated over a million dollars to support the Democratic National Convention.

Having stated my preference, the best I hope for is that our government will make conventional Medicare available to all as an option for those who do not get something else. I urge you to sign the petition that urges legislation that will make this a possibility for every one. The petition can be found on the web at:

Let's hope that this makes healthcare available to everyone either immediately or in the not-too-distant future.


Thomas G. Pretlow, M.D.
Professor in the Departments of Pathology, Urology, Oncology, and Environmental Health Sciences
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine*
(telephone: 216-368-8701; e-mail:
*Nothing in my communication represents Case Western Reserve.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Action: Securities Trading

Immediate action must be taken on three issues related to security trading on our domestic markets and on shares of our domestic companies trading on foreign exchanges or bourses to prevent market manipulations by investment pools that may be operating in concert or alone to manipulate markets. Specifically they are:
I. Reinstate the uptick rule immediately and require foreign exchanges to follow these rules with domestic securities If the foreign burses do not comply de-list all domestic stocks from those exchanges.
II. Outlaw "Naked Shorting" and punish violators by levying severe penalties, disgorging all profits from illegal transactions and possible suspensions from trading against all participants including broker dealers, exchanges and fund managers.
III. Require volume equivocation on short sales to prevent "painting the Tape" which is an illegal form of manipulation whereby the market participants buy a few shares to "create" an uptick and then short massive volumes. Whereby, if IBM for example, had cumulative upticks of 15000 shares that would be the maximum no of short sales that could be made until the next uptick. Also the uptick change in market price should be the greater of $.05 per share or .075% of share price. This is in response to the elimination of fractionalization and the implementation of decimalization of pricing mechanisms.

The so-called uptick rule, established in 1938 but repealed by the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 6, 2007 had required traders to wait for a stock’s price to make an upward move before it could be sold short.

Short selling is a trading strategy designed to profit from a stock’s downward movement. It involves borrowing shares from a brokerage firm, then immediately selling them and waiting for the stock price to decline before buying the shares back at a lower price and returning them to the brokerage lender.

"Naked shorting" is technique whereby institutions and investment pools may represent that they will deliver stock by settlement date(3days) when indeed they do not have access to the shares they have sold..

Shorting by itself provides useful balance to the investment markets as speculation by the short operators can be enormously profitable and oftentimes provides analysis and protection against the frauds perpetrated by the Enron’s, World Com’s and AIG’s of the world and the misrepresentations perpetrated by the dishonest managements of these companies.. However when speculation leads to stock price manipulation certain safeguards must be instituted. Due to the development of arcane derivatives and computer generated trading, it is more important than ever to be vigilant.

Please contact your elected officials and tell them to:
1) Reinstate the uptick rule immediately and require foreign exchanges to follow these rules with domestic securities.
2) Outlaw "Naked Shorting" and punish violators by levying severe penalties.
3) Require volume equivocation on short sales to prevent "painting the Tape" which is an illegal form of manipulation.

White House
Senator Voinovich
Senator Brown
Congressman LaTourette

Hank Spain

Sunday, March 15, 2009

RIP the Conservative Revolution

On a recent visit to Boston, and with time on my hands, I visited Quincy Market, Faneuil Hall and the Old State House. It was here that our nation was forged, was created as Margaret Thatcher said "by philosophy". An idea, bold and noble shaped a new kind of nation that would grow up to be America. Patriots here lit the spark, took the risks, shaped the debate and began the fight that led to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

We've had our ups and downs - but mostly triumph, often at great sacrifice. Our fathers and grandfathers saved the world from a dark and powerful tyranny. Now we seem about to squander it all.

Adults often make self-assessments; honest appraisals to reset our compass. Our country needs a serious reassessment - not by the bickering political class, not by the craven punditry that dominates our flaccid media. By the citizens. Now.

Serious adults, even if they want smaller government, do not hold government in contempt. The need for political structure has been recognized throughout history as essential. Only the adolescents who seized the great edifice of our founders hold it in contempt, and look at the result: gridlocked Congress, Katrina, preemptive war, US Attorney mess, FISA violations, etc. We have even tortured people. Worst of all, we have factionalism, that which many of our founders regarded as the greatest threat to their new system of government.

We lack the will and cooperative spirit to do the real work of government. Bridges are not built across the broad, ideologically imposed divide. Government for too long has been hijacked by a bunch of adolescents riding the curve of their economic mythology. We have a mountain of debt that hobbles our ability to deal with real challenges. Their absolute belief that markets will behave rationally to right themselves has been exposed as a fraud. At least 2 examples: mortgage products that even promoters didn't understand and the recent panic in stock markets. How ironic the stampede to get taxpayer help to bail them out.

Maybe now we'll have some long overdue outrage. Does it have to hit our pocketbooks before we stop the squandering of our great inheritance? Lots of people have gotten rich, and, let's be honest, a lot of middle class people benefited from low rates and rising home values. But our savings rate is zero and our national debt is $10 trillion. The cost is too great, now the piper wants his payment.

The neocons who hijacked the great conservative tradition have gotten it all wrong. Time for accountability, one of their incessant mantras. David Brooks, an estimable conservative, pronounced the Reagan revolution dead. Good riddance.

Time to banish them from influence over our institutions. Shake up the political class. Shun the pundits. Let's get back on track and send the adolescent worshippers of the disastrous, discredited fiscal policies into exile. As Sam Adams said, " If you love wealth more than liberty ... go home from us in peace. May posterity forget that you were our countrymen".

Pat Moore

Friday, March 13, 2009


Published in Cleveland Jewish News 3/13/09:

A sentence in the article on p. 10 of the Mar 6 edition, written by Doug Guth, quotes Dr. Michael Oren as saying, "War with Iran is inevitable." Of all the things this historian says, the idea of war with Iran being "inevitable" is the most destructive to any peaceful resolution in the Middle East. Bibi Netanyahu is apparently a proponent of bombing Iran, at least their nuclear facilities, but I hope clearer Israeli heads prevail.

Yes, Israel has heart, resolve, technology; and is up against all its Arab/Persian neighbors, and is greatly worried about survival. But the use of an Iranian nuclear weapon, responding to an Israeli bombing, would be catastrophic to both.

Watching a recent TV documentary about Iran, I observed that Iranians are very modern people, love Western culture, and the vitriol spewing from the mouth of Ahmadinejad runs counter to the average Iranian citizen’s opinions. If Iran continues to develop nuclear power, it is primarily to demonstrate that they can "play with the big boys," and can use it for electrical power generation for manufacturing goods and to pump oil.

Elliott Berenson, Chesterland

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Environmental Action Alert

Several of us met this morning with Amy Gomberg, the program Director for Environment Ohio. This organization is an outgrowth of PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) which has a chapter in Oberlin. Maybe some of you have given donations to PIRG when they come knocking on our doors once a year.

Environment Ohio is focusing on energy and climate change. They are especially interested in changing policy through lobbying. This is why they need our support and our donations. To read more or donate go to Environment Ohio. Right now there are two pieces of legislation pending in Columbus.

The first is HB7 which requires all new buildings that receive capital from the state to meet the LEED Silver standards. Most of you are familiar with LEED standards, but I didn’t know there were three levels: gold, silver and bronze. These standards make sure the buildings are built with green materials etc. but only the gold mandates stricter standards of alternative energy sources such as solar power.

The other bill is the Passenger Rail Bill (HR 6003) providing rail transportation between Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. This project would be eligible for funds from Obama’s stimulus package IF it meets IEEC (International Energy Efficiency Code) standards. These are the highest standards for new buildings, and we could receive funds if the Senate passes legislation in favor of the Passenger Rail Bill.

You can help by calling or e-mailing your State Senator:

Senator Thomas Patton (Cuyahoga County). Senator Patton is on the Transportation Committee.
Senator Timothy Grendell (Geauga County).

Please ask them to vote in favor of the Passenger Rail Bill. If the Republican majority votes in favor of the Bill we will be eligible for stimulus package funds and bring more green energy to Ohio.

Becky Thomas

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Steering Committee Minutes, February 10 and March 10, 2009

March 10, 2009 Minutes

Attendance: Lynne Rustad, Judy Kramer, Bill Rowe, Ed Fire, Ted Buczek, Debbi Thomas, Lori Zaim, Kathy Kolcaba, George LuPone, Becky Thomas, Ray DiCarlo

Meeting called to order at 9:30 by President Lynne Rustad.

Approval of Minutes:
• Minutes of 2/10/09 approved by Judy Kramer, seconded by Lori Zaim.
• Subsequent minutes will be circulated for approval electronically in order to make the deadline for Newsletter copy on the 20th of each month.

Treasurer’s Report:
• Kathy Kolcaba reported a balance of $4170.54
• There are 50 paid members thus far for 2009
• 100 previous paid members have not yet paid; options to encourage more timely payment were discussed.

• Updated list of members is kept by Lori Zaim with Constant Contact (CC), our e-mail service. The Treasurer also keeps a list.
• Lori can also use CC to send out thank-you notes to all who have contributed. George Lupone will write note for this as well as other membership e-communication purposes.
• Contacted because they seem not to have been opening their Patriots e-mail, only 20 out of 80 people have requested to be taken off the email list.
• Patriots is in the process of obtaining a PayPal account which should facilitate dues payments.
• Discussed option of paying dues for more than one year at same rate to avoid likely increase in the future and to help budget process.

• The new website has been reviewed by several Steering Committee members. Link will now be sent for review to Saturday Coffee and Politics group whose members have helped in site development.
• Lynne Rustad requested that suggestions for changes be sent to her.
• The Homepage section on “Priorities” should be reviewed with special care to ensure that it reflects the general philosophical principles guiding Patriots.
• Website will be moved to a permanent server following approval. Domain name will be moved to the new (hopefully less expensive) server. Until then, a link on current web site will permit access to new site and prevent duplication of effort involved in maintaining two sites.

• Becky Thomas reported that Patriots’ Move On congressional advocacy training proved very effective in preparing for visit to Representative LaTourette’s office.
• Elliott Berenson attended similar Geauga Change training session but his report was deferred because he was unable to attend today’s meeting.

• Schedule is in place through May
• June/July programs were discussed. Judy Kramer suggested a less formal discussion of a “summer reading” book about Afghanistan: The Places In Between by Rory Stewart.
• President Obama’s policy for Afghanistan may shape up by summer so a discussion about that may be appropriate for a subsequent meeting.

Health Care Reform:
• The resignation of Jill Levine, a strong proponent of expanded and improved Medicare for all, and a leader Patriots’ health care effort, is sad but understandable.
• Ray DiCarlo and Lynne Rustad will continue to inform members and send health care Action Alerts but won’t be able to devote the time to it that Jill did.
• Efforts to influence the administration’s health care plan will continue and, although passage of HR 676 appears unrealistic at this point, we will certainly advocate for inclusion of a government-sponsored “public insurance” component.
• Ray encouraged phone calls to Kathleen Sibelius (the new HHS Secretary) to urge inclusion of a public insurance component. (877-696-6775) Her prior role as Kansas’ Insurance Commission has raised questions about how aggressively she would seek regulation of for-profit companies.

• The role of Operations Committee needs clarification; especially since Communications, Treasurer and Community Relations now handle much of the membership function.
• Claire Rahn, head of Operations, will be asked for input and by-laws will be circulated with a view to amending them to more accurately reflect current function.
• Office operations, as well as lack of secretarial support, deserve attention.

New Business:
• Ted Buczek and Ray DiCarlo reported on attendance at “Jobs with Justice” meeting - the current emphasis being on the Employee Free Choice Act.
• There will be a EFCA rally on Public Square, 3/30 at 4:00PM
• Ed Fire will write an article about EFCA for the Newsletter to help inform community members about the issues involved.
• Online member vote will assess interest in supporting EFCA.

Continuation of Strategic Planning:
• Since a monthly meeting hasn’t allowed time for both strategic planning and normal committee business, an additional meeting will be added to finish planning.
• Next meeting will be Thurs. 3/26 at 9:30 if reasonable for most members.

Respectfully submitted by Acting Secretary,

Becky Thomas

February 10, 2009 Steering Committee Minutes

• We are looking into providing a PayPal option in the Newsletter and on the Web for paying dues.
• All items for the newsletter are to be submitted to Lori Zaimby the 20th of the month for publication the following month. Items should be in Word format and photos as .jpg.

• Sherri Culver moved and Judy Kramer seconded a motion that Patriots for Change have a website that contains general information about the organization and has a link to the Google calendar for current activities and events. This will reduce the need for regular updating. Motion carried unanimously.

• Ed Fire reported on a meeting with Congressman LaTourette regarding the stimulus bill. The Move-On method of advocacy was used and was helpful in guiding the discussion.

• Ed also reported on the Fair Elections Now Act. Ed Fire moved and Ray DiCarlo seconded a motion to place an article on the Act in the Newsletter and follow-up with a Survey Monkey survey of the membership to determine support. Motion carried.

Health Care:
• Ray DiCarlo reported on the status of the Health Care Act. A group supporting the bill will meet with Congresswoman Marsha Fudge on March 18.

• Judy Kramer outlined the upcoming Education program.
o March 21: Frontline presentation “Sick Around the World” at the Chagrin Falls Library.
o April 18: Book talk on “The Post-American World” by Fareed Zakaria.
o May 23: Volunteer Opportunity Fair at Chagrin Falls Township Hall.

Chagrin Falls Jail Issue:
• The consensus of the group was that this issue is not appropriate for Patriots for Change engagement.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherri Culver
Acting Secretary