Saturday, June 19, 2010

May 11, 2010 Steering Committee Minutes

I. Call to Order 10:03am. April minutes were approved.

II. Treasurer's and Paid Members Report: Kathy Kolcaba. We have a checking account balance of $9949.83. $500 was paid to Insurance Diversified for our insurance policy. We currently have 142 members. Report approved.

III. Membership Committee Report: George Lupone. The committee met. Follow-up phone calls were made to those who paid in 2008. We have received four additional memberships as a result. Judy Kramer’s technique works well: Call the person, tell them we are having a membership drive, ask if they are receiving the emails, ask if they would like to rejoin. The importance of contacting those on the attendance sheets from Patriot events was discussed. The committee will focus on maintaining and expanding the base. Report approved.

IV. Advocacy Committee Report: Ed Fire

A. Cuyahoga County New Government Structure--Financing of Campaigns Report. Becky Thomas is a member of the Cuyahoga County Campaign Finance Reform Committee (organized by County Prosecutor, Bill Mason).

B. Review of qualifications of Cuyahoga County Council District 6 Candidates, including setting a date for a District 6 "Candidates Night." Becky Thomas will set a date for district 6 candidates to talk to us prior to the September 7th primary.

Report approved

V. Education Committee Report: Judy Kramer. Pat Moore will present his Economic Forum this Saturday (May 15) at the CF. Library. June 12 – Bill Rowe and Jana Theis will hold The Family Book Talk. June 26 – membership meeting. August – Sustainability Meeting. Report approved.

VI. Old Business:

A. Discussion of June 19 membership Meeting: The meeting has been changed to June 26 due to availability of the meeting room.

1. Agenda. We are not allowed to support candidates at the CF Library. The township Hall or Hamlet would be alternative meeting places.

2. Focus Groups on:

a) 2010 Elections Voter registration: Contact Ray DiCarlo ( to register voters at the City of Bedford picnic on August 15 (3-5pm). Ellenwood School (124 Ellenwood, Bedford).

b) The Economy
c) Sustainability and Food
d) Campaign Finance Reform
e) Health Care reform

VII. Report on Meeting with representative of Senator Sherrod Brown, Max Blachman regarding US Senate legislation on campaign finance reform: Meeting Attendees. Eight members of P4C plus Preeti Gill from the Coffee Party attended. It was a positive meeting. Mr. Blachman was asked about the Fair Election Act. Sherrod Brown is currently concerned with the Supreme Court decision on Citizens United.

VIII. Report on new Patriots for Change brochure: Lynne Rustad. Lynne is continuing to work on the brochure.

IX. New Business:

A. Discussion on possible fundraiser in connection with a Cavaliers play off game.

B. Other New Business? Invite Preeti Gill and other members of the Coffee Party to our June membership meeting. Judy Kramer brought up gun control. It was suggested that individual members contact Lori O’Neill if they want to become involved.

X. Adjournment

Rick Taft, candidate in Democratic Primary for Cuyahoga County Council District 6 spoke with the Steering Committee.

Respectfully submitted

Lori Muller-Zaim, Secretary